Meet the First 2011 Imagine Cup Team “Carhana” the CoE is Sponsoring
Meet the Carhana 2011 Imagine Cup Team…
We asked our team members a few questions about the Imagine Cup as they started their planning and created their concept for the competition.
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Imamu Frazier is employed as an ERP systems administrator. He is completing his transfer degree, so he can transfer to the University of Washington and major in Biology. He ultimately wants to pursue a master’s or doctoral degree. (Find out more about Imamu at his team profile page)
Q: So, why is this project exciting to you?
A: This project is exciting to me because it allows me to utilize skills my mostly self-taught programming skills, as well as giving me an opportunity to exercise my creative skills.
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Sean Parent is pursuing the Programming for Web Development certificate. (Find out more about Sean on his team profile page.)
Q: Why did you decide to start your team?
A: Five of us just started bouncing ideas off one another in the back of the room, and before we knew it, we had launched an Imagine Cup team. And, to answer the question about why the project is exciting, it is exciting because the competition is global; the rewards are amazing; the product we design could potentially be used by hundreds of thousands of people, and finally, the cause (U.N. Millennium Development Goals) are indeed truly worthy of our best efforts.
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Kellen Betts is completing prerequisite courses at Bellevue College and plans to apply to graduate programs in applied mathematics in the spring. His long-term plan is to complete a doctorate in computational/mathematical neuroscience, and pursue a research and teaching career in academia. (Find out more about Kellen on his team profile page.)
Q: What are you expecting to get out of this experience?
A: I hope to apply and extend the programming skills I am learning in class to a large and challenging project.
Joav Gomez is a running start student from Eastlake High School and is attending Bellevue College. This is his second year at Bellevue College and his senior year at his high school. Joav plans to graduate this year from Bellevue College with his Associate degree. He will continue his education at a four-year University. He hopes to achieve his EMT certificate this summer. He hopes to go into graphic and artificial intelligence engineering.
Q: How did you hear about Imagine Cup?
A: I heard about the project through a friend. He told me about the competition and I really got excited and fascinated about what the Imagine Cup experience was going to be like. I am very thankful that my friend told me about the Imagine Cup.
Thomas Lee is the faculty mentor and advisor for the team. He teaches client and server networking topics, as well as working for Information Services at Bellevue College.
Note: The CoE is still accepting Imagine Cup 2011 Competition team applications from the CTC system through January 27, 2011. The second team will receive a $3,000 stipend for the faculty mentor for release time or travel expenditures.