Center News & Updates for Fall 2011-2012
Updates & News for Fall & Winter Quarter 2011-2012
Welcome back Washington State Educators to fall quarter/semester 2011. While the summer passed quickly, and only now in September are we seeing hints of the sun, the Center of Excellence was busy working on and planning for you and your educational institution:
- Professional development training opportunities: Building Your Web 2.0 Website with WordPress (November 4th and 5th, 2011)
- Degree/certificate reviews (November/December 2011)
- The Washington State ICT Community/Technical College Program Directory (Publication: January 2012)
- The second annual STEM Summit (February 9th and 10th, 2012)
- The Life of an IT Professional: A Five Minute Story (an IT professional competition/video series)
- A new IT Programs of Study Template focusing potentially on Software Engineering (Applications/Systems)
- New informative and Web 2.0 upgrades to the Center Website
Download the entire Center News and Updates for Fall/Winter Quarter (opens in a new window)