Robotics and Automation: A Retrospective and the Reality of Bot Nation
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Robotics: “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” Initially it appears there was never going to be a connection between artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, nanotechnology, 3D printing, biotechnology and deep machine learning. Looking ahead these fields and technological advances will experience rapid evolutions paving the way for interconnectedness and close relationships to each other. “Concurrent to this technological revolution are a set of broader socio-economic, geopolitical and demographic developments, each interacting in multiple directions and intensifying each another.”
It is projected between 2018 and 2020 the following will happen:
- Robots will be able to see, smell, feel, move like enhanced humans, and be able to pass a Turing test.
- It will make more sense from the perspectives of industry, government, consumers to have robots execute tasks and jobs that humans have historically performed.
- Robotics and automation will impact jobs across all industries, but most critically in the manufacturing and service industries.
- Cars, trucks, trains, planes, and automobiles will become partially or fully autonomous by 2020. • Because of robotic advances, a majority of our global workforce in administrative and professional services will find themselves replaced.
- STEM jobs will continue to grow.
Manufacturing and production jobs will continue to experience loss. These type of industry job losses may stabilize by 2020. The people who will lose their jobs due to automation or robotic replacements will still have a relatively good potential for learning new technical knowledge and skills to use as work productivity will be swifter and nimbler due to technology advancements.
This report has been researched and defined to enable IT program faculty across the state to consider the changes robotics and automation will bring to the workforce, as well as consider what kinds of program or curricular changes they might make to their current IT programs.
Content covers:
- Section 1: Robotics and Automation: Historical Highlights
- Section 2: Recent Evolution of Robotics
- Section 3: Famous Robots, Artificial Intelligence, and Automatons (Automated Thinking Machines) in Movies
- Section 4: Modern Robots
- Section 5: Examples of Robot Applications in Various Industries
- Section 6: State of the Robotics Industry
- Section 7: Exploration into the Future of Robotics
- Section 8: Job Demand, Trends, and Technical Knowledge and Skills Needed
- Section 9: Technical Knowledge and Skills Needed for Robotics, AI, Automation, and More
- Conclusions