Navigating a Post-Pandemic IT Hiring Boom
Navigating a Post-Pandemic IT Hiring Boom: How to Get Hired and Sustain a Career in Tech Job markets in general are experiencing significant turbulence, but for many reasons, the ride for IT job seekers may be less bumpy. This is due to the tech sector’s resiliency compared to other industries. According to CBRE Labor Analytics, Read More »
In-Demand Tech Skills Snapshot
Labor market analytics company Emsi (opens in a new window) joined the 2021 IT Summit and gave an overview of the most in-demand tech jobs and skills across Washington. What skills are employers looking for? Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Data Analysis, SQL and more – view the data (opens in a new window) or Read More »
Community Colleges Create a Pipeline of Quality Job Candidates for Employers
Roles and Perceptions of Community Colleges Most people think of a community college as an economical alternative to more expensive four-year universities. It is where a student can complete two years of undergraduate class requirements and attain an associate degree without accruing massive loan debt. Because of significantly lower tuition costs, community colleges are also widely praised for providing lower-income students greater access to higher education. But Read More »
Q&A with Center director Brianna Rockenstire
Q & A with Brianna Rockenstire, Director, Center of Excellence for Information & Computing Technology Brianna Rockenstire’s goal is to harness the IT talent being developed in Washington state’s 34 community and technical colleges to create a workforce solution that helps solve the nagging technology skills gap facing employers across many industries. A big job indeed. Her background and experiences make her well-suited to the challenge. She has Read More »