IT Skills Gap Forum: PowerPoint, Questionnaire Results, Session Summary Notes & More…
(opens in a new window) The Center of Excellence for Information and Computing Technology held an IT Skills Gap Forum on Friday, March 22, 2013 at Bellevue College. In support of the work of Washington’s community and technical college system, the Center invited IT industry professionals, and 30 IT industry professionals attended the forum. The purpose of the forum was to obtain “real time” information from business and industry leaders about expected job growth trends over the next three to five years and to discuss workforce skills gaps that make filling job vacancies difficult for employers within the industry.
The IT Professionals completed a IT Skills Gap Forum questionnaire prior to the event. The Center asked them questions for the purpose of assisting the State Board for Community & Techical Colleges with its upcoming AWB report on all ten of the Center of Excellence’s Skills Gap Forums. The Center also asked additional questions to aid in the Center disseminating to the entire CTC system a comprehensive look at the state of the IT industry as well as where they see the future of IT heading in the next three to five years. Additionally, the Center created a series of questions to ask of the IT professionals at the forum.
The following is now available to the CTC system and will be disseminated to the Workforce Educational Council (WEC) after the early May 2013 WEC meeting:
The State of the IT Industry PowerPoint presentation which focuses on technology trends and their impact on nine in-demand IT career pathways, as well as technical knowledge and skills of prospective employees identified with associated ratings of importance and difficulty in finding.
(opens in a new window) New Technology Adoption Graph for Software Developers: Supplement to the PowerPoint Presentation
Washington State Demand by IT Career Pathway (Source: EMSI): Supplement to PowerPoint Presentation
(opens in a new window) WA State Regional Breakdown By IT Occupation (Source: EMSI): Supplement to the PowerPoint Presentation
IT Skills Gap Questionnaire Results, March 22, 2013
(opens in a new window) IT Skills Gap Focus Group Questions & Answers, March 22, 2013
(opens in a new window) Fast Track to the Future IBM Tech Trend Report 2012 (Suggested Reading)