Technology hiring in 2021
The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic are ongoing and frequently changing, and both industries and workers remain unsure about what the future holds. The technology industry has its own set of unique challenges during this period. With the increased reliance on technology and tools to facilitate virtual work, learning, and socializing, there’s been increased demand
Register for the IT Faculty Summit – May 20-21
The Center of Excellence invites all SBCTC Information Technology faculty to attend the 2021 IT Summit. This year’s faculty conference will be held virtually (via Zoom) on Thursday and Friday, May 20th and 21st, 2021. Full- and part-time faculty from all technology-related programs are encouraged to attend. The IT Summit is an opportunity to connect with other IT faculty,
IT Faculty Open Forums
The Center of Excellence wants to hear from you! We’re hosting a series of Open Forums for information technology faculty to discuss how the COE can best support IT and related technology programs across the state’s community and technical college system. Information technology faculty (any technology discipline, any degree type) are invited to join us
Updates & News for January 2019
The updates and news for January 2019 is ready for our state’s IT faculty and workforce/program chairs and deans. You can review updates on the IT professional development scholarships, the 2019 IT Futures Summit registration is open, BAS degrees in robotics/AI and Data Science (IR4 quarterly update), and IT faculty salary work group progress.